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Events / wydarzenia

Clinical Trials Market, Poznań

07 - 08 listopada 2024 r.

Tematyka: innowacje, technologia, badania kliniczne

7-8 listopada 2024 r. w godz. 08:30-16:30


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to a national business forum connecting clinical trial sponsors, clinical trial organisations, clinical research centres with providers of digital technologies for the collection of big medical data using ML, DL, AI algorithm analysis and 3D and VR data imaging used in clinical trials and medicine.  

Nowadays, the rapidly developing market for new therapies, opportunities and innovations in conducting clinical trials encouraged us to organise a meeting of all involved parties participating in the implementation of new drugs and devices, diagnostics and therapies through the clinical trial process.

Clinical Trials Market will take place on 7-8.11.2024 in Poznań. R&D departments of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, Contract Research Organisations (CROs), Clinical Research Centres and Site Management Organisations (SMOs), suppliers of innovation and technology for clinical trials, new methods of medical analysis, diagnostics and medical data processing for clinical trials are invited to participate in the conference. We also invite research professionals, patient associations and individual guests who would like to expand their knowledge in the field of clinical research or establish a clinical research centre.

The purpose of the event will be to establish business contacts, start collaborations, exchange experiences and learn about opportunities and innovative technologies in the clinical trial market. The conference will provide information on trends in epidemiology and planning of new trials, the offer of vendors of medical services in clinical trials and help to start a career in this market.

It is very important to discuss the directions of innovation and new trends among experienced clinical trial managers, specialists, researchers, organisers and co-founders of clinical trials, representing Polish and international scientific, business and technological environment.

Come to Poznań in November 2024!

Dr Marcin Knast and Adrian Szulczyński

Conference directors

Agenda Streams

Clinical Trials Operations

  • Balance between financial outlays and the effects of developing clinical therapies.
  • How pharmaceutical companies accelerate development and progress in medicine.
  • Planning expenses and avoiding obstacles in the development of clinical trials, from the point of view of a pharmaceutical company.
  • Collaboration between clinicians and study design and conduct to increase clinical trial efficiency.
  • Challenges and opportunities of medicine used in rare diseases. Gene therapies, personalized medicine and precise medicine.

Clinical Trials Outsourcing and Vendor Selection

  • Building a successful clinical trial outsourcing partnership: a holistic approach to the patient
  • Use of decentralized methods in experienced research centers: development of clinical trials focusing on rare diseases
  • Collaborative synergy between CROs, research center patient populations and biotechnology sponsors.
  • Discovering the expectations of the clinical research industry towards service providers.
  • Small biotechnology companies, what are the keys to success and conclusions from the experience of Big Pharma

Digital innovation and technology in Clinical Trials

  • Possible modernization of clinical trials, with particular emphasis on reducing the workload of research centers.
  • The future of clinical trials and the analysis of data volumes by Artificial Intelligence and maintaining anonymity.
  • The role of AI in shaping the future of clinical trials. Harnessing AI’s potential for better planning and conducting research.

Patient focus and patient involvement

  • Recruitment plans and systems to ensure accessibility and diversity.
  • Site selection to increase patient recruitment and retention.
  • Patient recruitment and retention strategies for Rare Disease Clinical Trials.
  • Patient-centered research: putting the choice in the hands of patients
  • Deficiencies in patients' experience and knowledge about clinical trials. Identifying Pharma and Biotech Industry Shortcomings.



Concordia Design, Zwierzyniecka Street 3, 60-813 Poznan



Krzysztof Chodań
mobile: 662 021 182

Adrian Szulczyński
mobile: 606 381 183